Friday, November 21, 2008

Night of Desperation

Prayer is one of the most exciting things that we can do because it is our chance to partner with God in what He is doing on planet earth right now. Students came from all over Northern Colorado last Wednesday night to pray for God to move in a powerful way. The Furnace had the opportunity to put on a Night of Desperation at Resurrection Fellowship in Loveland, Colorado. God is doing some really amazing things in young people in this region. From Colorado State University to a group of high school students leading hundreds of students in prayer at Thirst; prayer meetings and events are starting all over the place. The Furnace went with the desire to join with these students in contending for God to move at their schools and churches and in their lives. It was massively evident that prayer is regular part of these students spiritual diet. They came ready to pray hard. The night started with powerful worship led by Jeremy Reyes and Nico Perez. We then moved into a time of praying for the lost, praying for our schools and churches, and praying for this generation. I loved seeing the fervency and passion that existed in the room. This night only built my expectation for the Night of Desperation next month in Pueblo! If you live in the Northern Colorado region and you want to see a move of God at your school, you've got to jump into one of these student led prayer initiatives that are happening! It is really awesome to see what God is doing.

Monday, November 17, 2008

"I Mainly Listen"

It seems to be a reoccurring theme in the Sunday night prayer meeting to wait on the Lord. When I welcomed everyone to the prayer meeting I encouraged them all to ask the Lord to speak to them about the direction of the prayer meeting. As we spent the first hour in devotional prayer I felt like we needed to begin the intercession hour waiting on the Lord and believing that He would speak to us. We had a time of repentance and waiting on the Lord for about fifteen minutes before the band sang any worship song. After we had worshiped for a while I asked for people to share if the Lord had given them anything. The obvious trend was toward the lost. We spent the rest of the night praying for the light of Jesus to shine forth. We closed the night out praying for the people that we know have not given their lives to Jesus. I believe that God speaks to us. I feel like it is really important that we continue to wait on Him in order that we may better hear His voice. I read an interesting account of Mother Teresa today. It stated that she was once asked what she prays about during her prayer time; her response, "I mainly listen."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Nights of Prayer

Last Thursday Glenn Packiam spoke at the Furnace Gathering. The title of his sermon was Secondhand Jesus. So often we allow “God-experts” to do the heavy lifting and then give us the bottom line, but we must push to experience Jesus firsthand. It was a powerful message.

We also announced that we will be having nights of prayer here in Colorado over the next few weeks. There was a great response as the sign-up lists filled up quickly.
On Wednesday, November 19th, the Furnace is going to be headed up to Loveland, CO for a night of prayer and worship at Resurrection Fellowship. Jeremy Reyes and band will be leading worship.
Then on Saturday, December 6th, we will be headed to Pueblo, CO. Brandan Bustamonte will be leading worship.
I am so excited to lead the team of Furnace students to these churches in order to partner in prayer with them for a move of God in their churches, schools, and lives.